Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's writers block when you pull ideas from your Twitter feed above

# 8 - Write what you want bottomless from bottom of the mind

Coming off of a day with three whole comments, notice that all Sigmas have now gotten post, AND an email from Annie, AND a credit card replacement from Omaha, NE (been there), topped off by a dang fine story written on Brad Roethlisberger, whose name I can now spell from memory.

Yes, earlier I was looking around the kitchen at the 1.5 boxes of Annie's Pasta, 1 can of tuna, 2 apples, misc. carrots. 200 g cheese, and now, I’m out that 1.5 oz whiskey. Misc. chocolate chips. 7 (now six) tortillas. Still lots of plastic bags, some honey.

100 or so coffee beans (I splurged and made two stovetop espressos today; writers block) and crystallizing alfalfa honey that could prove tenuous on travel.

Borrowed from Nick is now down to some peanut butter and jelly.

Bedroom: Nine spots to put thoughts. [Hardcover novel manuscript, volume one of chapters five and six, hardcover Canada scrapbook/journal, (and its corresponding volume one), an-Olympic specific notebook, a madness-in-Vancouver moleskine, one three-quarter filled journalism notebook, and the original green journal, rounded off by one fresh, unopened moleskine to be opened upon return to the United States]. So I guess that’s ten. If that were ten dollars in the bank account, I’d have a nice odd number total of 29, plus a college diploma waiting at home, unopened.

Lest we forget the six free Olympic tickets, one Victory Ceremony ticket, recaptured sanity, volunteer gifts, a blue smurf jacket and uniform, and a treasured letter from Gerald just making its way to my hands today.

Above me now, a calendar outlining days I need to eat, how many meals, what groceries to buy, 11 Tazo Green Tea packets. And that really is about it for non-durables.

A whole rambly, almost-grammatically-correct paragraph devoted to notebooks – I’ve been doing a lot of writing, bringin’ me to #8, that which writing what I want, bottomless from bottom of the mind.

And turns out that people are reading.

So, I’ve got three people to respond to, publicly and poetically, without giving too much away …

But I can’t be too bottomless, lest I be too devoid of real.

Lest I be real, and I’m stuck here on word 377 of column 60, debating my approach all night.

So, expect replies, if you’ve written or pondered, and you know who you are, and upon the same format, because I guess this is all the public poetry everyone’s getting for today (and today is still the 10th, thank God for PST).