“Wake up in the morning
flirt, glance, touch, Love in the bed.
Only for a moment -- off to work.
Saying all emotions from within
Holding nothing back.”
“Art on the walls and
taking a shower of
the mind and humidity.
Air dry
Run in the nude – we’re out of towels.”
“Capilano art
For each reaction
is stupored morn.”
“Apples become apples.
First kiss at seven
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth,
Remember compliments,
Keep love.
Work hard to bridge the gaps.
Mic attenuation.”
“I’m going to argue
that there is a shorter than short memory.
It’s like a loop.”
To keep it domestic,
we head to Al, from International Foods
Edmonds Street, whip a meal together on a budget.
“Live each day to the fullest,” he says after directing us to curry sauce. –
“Live honest” our vegetable saleswoman says, down the street
a forgotten standard in the lives of young.
And foremost, to “be interesting,”
So poems will be written about you,
Years later to be found scrawled and dusty.”
“Lamb curry to really feel the cosmos flying through,
as everything is expensive in Canada, me, am I ready for a shot?”
“Hell yeah.”
Always debating the impending shot, of Grant’s Scotch, I,
-- (but not Lisa) (my dear I’m writing you a love letter on 30 August)
Is “out of control before I’ve left.”
On the train now, in brackets, instructions for editors.
[Write your happiest thought…]
The plan backfires, blah blah Granville Street you were so cool
Ten damn days ago with all your wild madness, really; then,
I felt like I needed no home nor direction and was content
A woman and companionship amongst throngs of red and white
So that is why things went wrong, Victoria.
I cannot ever capture the energy that it was the first time.
Only policemen doing “voluntary pour-outs” and the art tonight.
You’re the first, Victoria, to write for me.
“Right now, a glass of water.”
Willy, “Being surrounded by some seriously respectable friends.”
Hugo – “I found that Anna was my friend Shawn’s GF’s sister! So crazy!”
Shaq: “Balloons look swell when they float away.”
Some unintelligible drunk writing; typical Skytrain.
Two people professing thoughts of happiness in German.
For me, [never again] as the happiest thought.
“Did any of this make sense to you Victoria?
I regain energy from you but all I wanted to do
Was steal a kiss but it seems to hard to find
Ten seconds of time when you are not to be
In proximity of the old new man.
What was his deal anyways.”
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