Destiny pounds across the street from me as I enter Third Street Bakery. A man on scaffolding hammers away at the siding; foreshadowing of the past meeting future.
They are taking letters of interest and a resume at any time. Nope, nothing opening up. They had just filled a vacancy recently.
Great Harvest tells me there is greater than a 3% chance of being hired so I fill out an application in person. Examples:
1. “Please describe your education and training as it pertains to this job.”
2. “Please tell us any special interests, experiences or skills. Include anything interesting about yourself.”
3. “Please tell us something that you did in the last five years that you were especially proud of.”
I note to the girl that my past contacts in British Columbia may be hard to get in touch with as references.
Next stop, Clyde Iron Restaurant. Lacquered tables, concrete floors and wide expansiveness; the newness of this place excites me. The beautiful timbers and iron connote a quality of place and service. The quietness provokes me during the interview. What is the vision? Mine imagines the place being filled on a Friday evening, bodies packed in, representative of the loftiness and parallel to the decibel level one would assume appropriate to the space.
What type of team is being assembled?
I see another candidate being interviewed; the kid in the UMD t-shirt and jeans strides back to the big wooden tables after the interview. An odd perspective to conclude an interview and see a fellow rat-racer sitting there, vying for the same job. He says nothing to me. Maybe I’ll see him behind the counter, working, and so it goes on and we continue.
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